Your search within this document for 'India' resulted in two matching pages.

“...THE LAWES OR Standing Orders OF THE East India company. 1621. -— 1...”

“...vnto them, all the other Factories fhall befubordinatc, in manner following. eexxx. And firfb vnto Hantams fhall be Accomptablc, all the Factories in the feucrall Hands of the Moluccoes, rBanda,dmboyna, China, Japan, the Celebes, Borneo, Iaua, Sumatra, and in the Prouinccs of Chochinchina, Siam, Catania, Camboia, and all the Factories vpon theCoafi; of Coromandell, as Tdetipoli, Mefulipatan^Pelicato, and all the reft in the Gulph of Hengala, together with all the Factories vpon the Coaft of India or Malabar, from Go,\ South- wards. And...”