‬كران رعية

Material Information

‬كران رعية
Alternate Title:
Kerana rakyat
Translated Title:
Strong for the people
Abbreviated Title:
Kerena rakyat
[Harvey Comics]
[United States of America]
Place of Publication:
[New York]
[نيو يورك]
[Harvey Comics]
[هرۏيي كوميق]
Physical Description:
16 pages : colour illustrations


Subjects / Keywords:
United States ( lcsh )
United States. Congress ( lcsh )
Strong for the people
Comics (Graphic works) ( lcsh )
Amerika Syarikat
Amerika Syarikat. Kongres
Komik (kerja grafik)
Temporal Coverage:
1950 - 1951
Spatial Coverage:
North America -- United States of America
Amerika Utara -- Amerika Syarikat
38.904722 x -77.016389


Promotional and informational comic dealing with how the United States government works. It lacks cover price and publication/copyright dates, publication date estimated to be early 1950's. Harvey Publications teamed up the U.S. Government to produce a series of comic books for the general public after World War 2. The Publisher's Syndicate distributed this and four other titles by special arrangement with Harvey Comics under the title: Citizenship Booklets/Comics, The Man Who Wouldn't Quit, Kerry Drake In The Case Of The Sleeping City, Joe Palooka In It's All In The Family, Strong For The People, Steve Canyon's Secret Mission. The joint publication was given copyright notice 1951. However, previous single versions, published without copyright, are believed to be in the public domain. No information is available for the Malay (Jawi script) version.

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
This title is believed to be in the public domain, but may be subject to copyright. Search of the Library of Congress Copyright Registry suggests that neither this title nor the composite title was registered as required. Accordingly, this title should now be in the public domain.