- Permanent Link:
- http://digital.soas.ac.uk/AA00000495/00001
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Periodicals -- China
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
- Spatial Coverage:
- Asia -- China -- Shanghai -- Shanghai
Asia -- China -- Jiangsu -- Nanjing
亚洲 -- 中国 -- 上海 -- 上海
亚洲 -- 中国 -- 江苏 -- 南京
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 上海 -- 上海
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 江蘇 -- 南京
- Coordinates:
- 32.05 x 118.766667
- General Note:
- Council of International Affairs (China) was previously known as the Council of International Affairs (Nanking)
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- SOAS, University of London
- Holding Location:
- SOAS, University of London
- Rights Management:
- This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.
- Resource Identifier:
- 304778 ( ALEPH )
x180445706 ( OCLC )