A vocabulary of the Tromowa dialect of Tibetan spoken in the Chumbi Valley (so far as it differs from standard Tibetan)

Material Information

A vocabulary of the Tromowa dialect of Tibetan spoken in the Chumbi Valley (so far as it differs from standard Tibetan) together with a corresponding vocabulary of Sikhimese and of Central (standard) Tibetan (Given for the purpose pf comparison)
Walsh, E. H. C. (Ernest Herbert Cooper), 1865-1952
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Tibetan Language
तिब्बती भाषा
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- China -- Tibet -- Chumbi Valley
एशिया -- चीन -- तिब्बत -- चुम्बी घाटी
亚洲 -- 中国 -- 西藏 -- 奇比谷
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 西藏 -- 奇比谷
བོད་ -- ཆུ་འབི
27.386389 x 88.831111 ( Chumbi Valley )


General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Walsh, E. H. C. (Ernest Herbert Cooper), 1865-1952 : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/223845

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
396877 ( aleph )
CM495.47 / 1268 ( soas classmark )