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“...THE CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK BEING "The Christian Movement in China" 1911 ^ \ EDITED BY V D. MacGILL)VRAY, M.A., D.D., Editor of A Century of Missions in China," Author of a Mandarin=Romanized Dictionary of Chinese " etc. etc. fri wm it SHANGHAI CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SOCIETY FOR CHINA 1911...”
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“...PREFACE. rpHE second issue of the Year Book is now before our readers. That the first issue was appreciated was evidenced by numerous commendatory letters, and by the exhaustion of the edition long before the Year Book for 1911 went to press. Again our thanks are due to all who have united to produce the volume. Owing to the lamented illness of several friends, the papers promised by them for 1911 were not forthcoming. At the time of printing, however, it was found that there was not space enough to include all the chapters which had been received and so the following had to be omitted. " Concerning Chinese Hymnology." " The Hymns of the Chinese Christian Church." " The Ideal Translation of the Bible into Chinese." ''The Work of Anglican, Canadian and American Episcopal Church Missions in China." " Learning the Chinese Language.'' "The C. I. M. Language Schools." " Physical Training in China." Some or all of these will be inserted in the Year Book for 1912. In the Index of the present Volume...”
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“...11 preface. I am specially pleased to announce that during my furlough the Year Book for 1912 will be prepared by the very competent hands of the Rev. G. H. Bondfield, the well-known Secretary of the Centenary Conference of 1907, and Agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society in China and the Philippines. D. MacGillivray....”
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“...CHAPTER L THE GENERAL SURVEY (19104911). by the editor. as Dr. Arthur H. Smith said last year,* the difficulty of comprehending China is not only not diminished, but is actually increased as compared with two decades ago. His masterly General Survey in the Year Book for 1910 is scarcely out. of date still, save on minor details, and we strongly recommend our readers to ponder again Dr. Smith's lucid and brilliant pages. The prolonged absence of Dr. Smith from China precludes his writing the survey this year, but our readers may expect that on his return he will continue to do the work, which none but he can do so well. china under the empress dowager, and after. The period of Chinese history during which Yelionala, better known as the Empress Dowager, ruled China, will always be of surpassing interest to the student of Chinese affairs. The situation of China to-day both for good and evil is largely the aftermath of those eventful times. Then as now, action and reaction, like Jaco9 and Esau...”
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“...2 china mission year book. will simply confirm previous opinions, though the wrath of of Mr. Ku Hung-ming and others burns fiercely against them and all their works. china's task. AVe would do well to recall again the weighty words of Professor Ernest D. Burton, of the University of Chicago, spoken at the Conference of Foreign Mission Boards in New York, 1910. 4'Having determined that she will emerge from the isolation which she has maintained for centuries, that she will not simply yield as she has for a hundred years to such pressure as she can not resist, bat will herself actively enter into the life of the nations and become one in the family of nations, China confronts to-day one of the greatest tasks that any nation ever faced. This is nothing less than the creation of a new civilization * * The task which China thus confronts is one of tremen- dous difficulty. Observe what is included in it. A new constitution, which means in reality a new political system; a new army, a new navjT...”
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“...and Government alike. These sorrows shed a lurid light on the poverty of the people, the neglect of waterways, f and the unreadiness of those responsible to cope with national calamities. (See our special chapter on "China's Sorrows.)" "If by the stroke of a magic wand every Chinese official from the members of the Grand Council to the humblest constable could be made strictly honest, ninety-nine hundredths of China's difficulties would have vanished at sunrise." the prince regent. The second year of Prince Chun's regency has passed, and he has done as well as might be expected, although *AVords of a Japanese writer in an American magazine. tBut a high authority on the spot in Anhui says it would cost £P>00.000.000 to drain that region....”
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“...1(3 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK. there were signs at one time that the present Empress Dowager, Lung Yu, would like to step into the shoes of her predecessor. The Regent has been too strong for her, and by the aid of his Grand Council, has at least avoided glaring- blunders. He recently proclaimed himself Generalissimo of the Army and Navy.- His various Edicts during 1910 indicate that he is doing his best, and under the circum- stances no one but a Kangsi or Chinshihhuang could have anything more to show than he has. There is much talk of welding together Manchu and Chinese, but several recent Edicts inopportunely emphasize the Manchu overlordship. During the year the Chinese Christians, as related in our Appendix, prepared four presentation copies of the New Testament, one for the Empress Dowager, one for the Prince Regent, one for the Empress Mother, and one for the Child Emperor. But as long as the eunuchs and con- cubines swarm and intrigue in the purlieus of the Palace, little improvement...”
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“...GENERAL SURVEY. 13 The centrifugal and centripetal tendencies of govern- ment received ample illustration during the year. The Viceroys and Governors accustomed to almost absolute sway, like the satraps of ancient Persia, are constantly offering a passive resistance to the efforts of the Grand Council who desire to centralise power at Peking. Every few months there is a general shuffle of high officials as in times past, a vacillating policy which renders the work of the best men nugatory, and incidentally prevents any one man being too successful to suit Peking. official salaries. The National Assembly has been turning its attention to the question of official salaries and has sanctioned a scale which includes, both metropolitan and provincial posts, the following being some of the chief items: Grand CouncillorTls. 24,000; President of a Board, Tls. 10,000 Vice-President, Tls. 8,000; Councillors, Tls. 4,000; Secretary, Tls. 3,600; Viceroy of a Provincial pro- vince, Tls. 24,000; Viceroy...”
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“...Governors. At the same time there are many indications that the people's representatives will force the pace, and make serious alterations in this con- stitution. The nine years' programme is fully set forth on Page 31 of the Year Book for 1910. Owing to the earlier calling of Parliament, the following revised table of constitutional reform has been issued: Third Year of Hsuan Tung (1912) : (1) The establishment of a Cabinet, (2) The establish- ment of an Advisoiy Board. (3) The promulgation of a new official system. (4) Promulgation of laws and regula- tions to be followed by officials. (5) The publication of a system of Book-keeping for Government finances. (6) The promulgation of rules and regulations in regard to Likin and Taxes. (7) The authorization of the expenditure of the Imperial Household. (8) The establishment of Courts of Justice in the Yamens of the Administrative Officials....”
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“...regarding procedure in civil and criminal cases. (12) The publication of the system for taking of the census. (13) Census Statistics. Fourth year of Hsuan Tung: (14) The promulgation of the Constitutional Law. (15) The publication of special enactments for the Imperial Household. (16) The promulgation of the Parliamentary Law and System. (17) The Election Rule for both Houses. (18) The Election. (19) The introduction of the Budget System. (20) The establishment of an Audit Office. (21) The putting into force of all the new laws. (22) The opening of Courts of Justice of every grade throughout the Empire. Fifth Year of Hsuan Tung: (1) The summoning of Members of Parliament to Peking. (2) The Imperial Decree relating to the same. (3) The opening of Parliament. It is pleasing to record that the local Self-Government Councils called for in the first year of the programme, have done most excellent work in connection witli the famine relief distribution in Anliui and Kiangsu. The taking of the...”
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“...1(3 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK. In Shantung, 119,549, members elected, 103. In Manchuria, 52,679, members elected, 50. In Hupeh, 113,233, members elected, 80. Of the 105 members elected in Szechuen, six only were elected under the property qualification. Christians voted freety, and in one instance the Vice-President of the Assembly is a Christian. The powers of these bodies are nominally advisory only, but with this they will not long be contented. The discus- sions were intelligent and dignified, and showed that the Government has set free an entirely unsuspected power in the land. The aim is not revolutionary, but to encourage patriotism, and strengthen the Empire. the national assembly. The first meeting of the National Assembly took place in Peking on October 4, 1910. One hundred of the mem- bers were appointed by the Government and one hundred from the various Provincial Assemblies. These bodies having tasted the new wine of power made haste to agitate for an earlier summoning of a real...”
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“...The Government at every turn is met by want of money. Reforms are found to be ex- pensive. The Army and Navy clamour for reorganization and large expenditure. China's Foreign indebtedness is £125,000,000,* requiring the payment of a yearly interest of Tls. C50,000,000. The Executive is at a loss-to find new means for taxation, and even taxes for the new schools have in several instances provoked riots, and the people are too ignorant to allow of the introduction of new imposts. the currency. The Year Book of 1910 recounts on page 7 the attempt of China to reform her currency. In May an Edict was published setting the standard of currency for the present in a Silver Dollar of Taels .73 weight. This Dollar was to be the sole medium for payment of taxes, etc., and other -Exclusive of the £10,000,000 loan mentioned later....”
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“...1(3 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK. official liabilities. The Provincial mints were forbidden to coin any save exactly like those issued at the central mint in Peking, but. it was discovered that to inaugurate this reform a large supply of ready cash must be available, and United States, Great Britain, Germany and France offered China a loan of £10,000,000 Sterling, which will probably be arranged. These loans though much detested are now seen to be inevitable. A National Debt Redemption Society which made such a stir at first soon fizzled out. Not only did the National Debt remain unpaid, but more was added to it. At the same time the Provinces were piling up foreign loans on their own account, notwithstanding the efforts of the Central Government to get a monopoly of the foreign loan business. Many authorities counselled China to adopt the Gold standard, but this would require such an immense reserve that it is practically impossible. courts of justice. The new penal code is at last nearly ready...”
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“...GENERAL SURVEY. 11 Mixed Court, it may be doubted whether the Chinese people can be ruled without it. government education. As this subject was fully treated in the Year Book of 1910, and Chapter V. of the present book gives further details, it will not be necessary to give a lengthy survey, especially as the opinions then expressed require little, if any, modification. The Christian Literature Society's Report for 1910 says: "The object is to provide an elementary school for every 400 families within the next five years, that is, school accommodation for fortjT-five million scholars within the next ten years. Japan, at the end of thirty years, had schools for 5,300,000 scholars. Will China succeed with her forty-five millions?" At the Nanyang National Exhibition held in Nanking one immense building was filled with educational exhibits from kindergarten to University. Though these exhihits were drawn from a comparatively small number of schools, they served to show as far as material things...”
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“...1(3 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK. The sensation of the year was Professor Ling's speech, which we give in extenso in Chapter V. It is well sum- marised by a leading Daily Paper as follows: " Mr. Ling inveighs primarily against the lack of moral and educational discipline in Chinese Government Schools. The students, he infers, have imbibed advanced ideas without ridding themselves of the irresponsibility of youth. Doctrincs of equality and liberty, culled, we are told, from Japanese sources, have been interpreted as authorizing a general lawlessness of conduct at home, in the school and in public. The most ardent reformers in China can scarcely wish that the new order, with its many untried innovations, should altogether supplant the old virtues that have held together for so long the component parts of this heterogeneous empire. Among these filial respect lias always occupied a prominent place; but even this is threatened, according to the lecturer who took the Foochow scholars to task. In the...”
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“... chiefly from Austria and Sweden. It has opened twenty branches in various cities of China. It is managed on the co-operative plan, sharing profits with its employees. The net profits are divided into twenty parts. Five of these are distributed among the employees, ten go to the shareholders, three to the reserve fund, and two to the schools of children of employees, to sick and injured employees and the widows and orphans of those who have died. The net profits distributed in these ways last year were $200,000 Mex......This Press now issues...”
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“...1(3 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK. most of the text-books used in the Government Schools and a large proportion of the bank notes which are in circula- tion.5' It has the only three colour printing plant in China. It is said, however, that anti-foreignism has began to interfere somewhat with its business. The demand for its translations from foreign works is declining, though doubt- less the school book trade is bound to increase. Printing presses are, of course, found everywhere, but they are mainly occupied in publishing newspapers. the chinese press. A series of new press laws has been issued, the object of which is to secure official control of the papers similar to that exercised by the Government in Russia. An enter- prising Taotai in Shanghai with the approval of his superiors, bought up the Shanghai vernacular papers for the sum of Taels 183,096.82 together with Tacls 34,634.56 to meet current losses. Part of this sum was paid from the interest accuring on the Huangpu Conservancy Fund...”
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“...last year 1915i li of lines and 22 new offices were added. A reduction of rates has been granted, but telegraphing is still to expensive for the multitude. A recent loan of £500,000 is to be devoted to extension. railways. The Ticntsin-Pukou Railway being built by foreign engineers has made rapid advance. Last year the Northern section had reached as far south as Taianfu at the base of the Sacred Mountain, while the Southern section has trains running regularly to Linhwaikuan on the Hwai River, and construction trains going beyond Hsuchowfu. The value of this line in the rapid transport of foodstuffs to the scenes of the Anhui Famine gives a delightful forecast of how easy it will be to deal with famines when China has a proper network of Railways. A length of thirty miles of the Canton-Ivowloon Rail- way from the Canton end was opened in December, while on October 1st the British section of the line was opened. It is expected that the two ends will be linked up sometime next year, though...”
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“...1(3 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK. appears that a large part of the funds for this line were lost in rubber speculation at the time of the boom in Shanghai, an accident likely to interfere with the company's operations. The Peking-Kalgan line is being extended to Tatungfu in Shansi. Some work is being clone on a line from Kiukiang to Changsha and on another from Wuhu southwards to Kuangtehchow. In Yunnan a number of surveys have been made for a line from Yunnanfu into Szechuen province. In Honan Province, the Railway from Kaifeng, which crosses the Peking-PIankow line at Chenchow, is opened to Honanfu, and work beyond the city is being pushed on. It is hoped to reach Tungchuan in the spring. The Canton-Iiankow Railway has made- some progress in Canton Province, but little is known about it. The Shangliai-Hangchow Railway, which is being built beyond Iiangchow towards Ningpo, had a bitter conflict with the Central Government during the year over loans, and Mr. Tang, the General Manager, was finally...”
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“...1(3 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK. By far the greater number of farm labourers in China are slaves. There is no evidence that the Edict has made any difference to those who are in servitude. At Canton the friends of progress rejoice at the recent abolition of licensed gambling, which for years has been a Government Monopoly farmed out to the highest bidder. Viceroy Chang Ming-chi deserves the greatest credit for this act. The revenue from this source is two million Taels, and taxes on wine, salt, etc., were to be increased to cover the deficit. The cigarette evil shows no sign of abatement, but the sale of patriotic tobacco is said to be gaining ground. Foreign liquors are being most persistently pressed upon the Chinese. The demand for beers and spirits is increasing in North China. The Imperial Maritime Cus- toms Returns show a most alarming increase in the import of wine, spirits, beer, etc. Comparing 1909 with 1908, the total net increase for the whole of China is Taels 815,186, but of this...”