Your search within this document for 'hong' resulted in three matching pages.
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“...outbreak of bubonic plague, at its height between May and July, produced temporary exodus, estimated at 100,000, and greai interference to trade. War between China and Japan, declared 1/8, for a time partially paralyzed Chinese markets. Caterpillar plague injured pine tree plantations. Typhoon of 5/10 did some damage in harbour. £140,000 of the 1880 4^ /0 loan of £200,000 converted to 3£/0 at cost of £1,800 and balance of £00,000 redeemed from sinking fund; total loan now £341,800 of 3bj0 stock. Hong Kong-Labuan (Borneo)-Singaporejcable opened for traffic 4/5. P. W.New Slaughter Houses and Cattle Depots provided at Kennedy Town. Roatls laid out in E. of Kowloon. ] [ 8,452 j 10,409,232 75 49,023 90,095 1895 Pr. Ev.Strike as protest against new lodgiijg house regulations lasted from 23/3 to 4/4; on 27/3 over 20,000 coolies out. Tr. & Ind.New British dollar introduced. General improvement in local stocks and undertakings. Opium Farmjlet for 3 years at $290,000 p.a. P. W.Resumption of insanitary...”
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“...of Supreme Court, ex-officio Inspector of Prisons and Registrar, Vice-Admiralty Court. 1892, Jan. Resumed duty as Colonial Postmaster. Grenada. 1891, Aug. J to > Acting Colonial Postmaster. 1892, Jan. ) Hongkong. 1899, Jan. 3Assistant Postmaster General. ,. Apr. 13Arrived in Colony. 1900, Jan. ly to Feb. 15 I 1900, Mar. 6 | j. io VActing Postmaster General. 1901, Sept. 18 j 1902, Jan. 23 to 1903, Feb. 28^ June 4On half-pay leave. 1904, Mar. 4Resumed duty on return from leave. Can tone s2. Li Hong* Mi. Born 22nd October, 1853. San-ui.S Assistant Interpreter, Supreme Court, $1,500 to $2,400. Swatow. 1875, June 153rd Interpreter, Magistracy. Amoy. 1876i Mar< i2nd do. do. Hakka. 1877> -$0Vt i3rd Clerk, Magistracy. Malay. 1881? Feb< 5_2nd do. do. June 21Assistant Interpreter, Supreme Court. 1895, Sept. 15"^ to ^Acting Chief Interpreter, Supreme rourt. 1901, Dec. 31J 1902, Apr. 30i to > Do. do. 1903, Oct. 30 J Nov. 2First Clerk, Land Court, New Territories. 1904, Sept. 26On half-pay leave...”