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“...Public Works have been furnished by the Director of that department. In the brief summary of Legislation the Ordinances in force at the end of 1901 have been given the numbers they bear in Sir John Carrington's edition. Under the heading Trade the figures dealing with ships cleared and entered exclude steam-launches and junks whether engaged in foreign or local trade. The excess in numbers of emigrants returned over emigrants left is accounted for by many that leave from various Treaty Ports of China returning via Hongkong. Under Finance the precentage of expenditure devoted to Non- effective Charges is based on the inclusion under that head of Pensions and Interest. General Administration covers the Governors Office, the Colonial Secretarys, Registrar Generals and Audit Departments, the Treasury, the Post Office, the Harbour Department, the Observatory, Charitable Allowances, Transport and Miscellaneous Services. Law and Order include the Supreme Court, Magistracy, Law Officers, Land Registry...”
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“...7: G 2 2 ^ G D - £pq, o G o cb i ^ cS G O co P3 *H o OO ft] i-H O co J o G v-/rn L> *o Saqg m R ^ , G 'G ^ G 2 % §: S-oS -go ^ (D4> S 00 CD pj *3 rs CD ^ HISTORY. PRINCIPAL EVENTS, TRADE AND INDUSTRIES, PUBLIC WORKS, LEGISLATION. Pr. Ev.ELK. Is. taken over (26/1) and Govt, administered by Capt. Elliot as Chief Superintendent of the Trade of Br. subjects in China in accordance with proclamation issued by him on (29/1), which also declared that Chinese should be governed according to laws of China and others according to laws of Gr. Britain. 2nd proclamation (1/2) promised free exercise of religious rites, social customs and private rights. Br. and foreign merchants came from Macao to prospect (Feb.). Building commenced (March). Messrs. Jardine Matheson & Co. erected first substantial house and godowns at East Point. Military and naval establishments first located near West Point and mercantile centre at Wong Nei Cheong...”
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“...^7/^ 1m w Pr. Ev.Discussion between Govt. & Js. of P. re Municipal Govt, which had been going on since 1849 led to no result. London Missionary Society opened chapel for treatment of out-patients (May). 472 houses North of Queens Road destroyed by fire. Cricket Club established (June). P. W.5 wells sunk for City Water Supply. Road from Albany Godowns to Wong Nei Cheong (now called Wan Chai Road) constructed and first Praya reclamation scheme partly carried out. Pr. Ev.Disturbances in S. China incident on Tai Ping rebellion sent many Chinese to H. K. 19 cases of piracy in H. K. waters. Tl\ & Ind.Great increase in emigration to Straits Settlements and California. Emigration to Peru also benefitted H. K. for a time till abuses connected with its trade necessitated abandonment. Coinage of Br. dollar first mooted on account of Mex. dollars, Ind. rupees and Br. coins being at a discount. P. & 0. S. N. Co. established regular monthly steamer between H. K. and Calcutta thereby giving Colony...”
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“...1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1807 HISTORY. YEAR. ADMINISTRA- TION. w Jzf O o co o il -rjH _ oo w o 1 : B' P o P . . 1 ; j W GO OQ , ^ o ft GO *3 tf g P <4-1 P P P Q H GO o C5 : Oi . GO p i ,2 . s*3 s^China Hien Fung died (Jan.), and Prince Kung head of regency. Occupation of Canton by allies terminated 21/10. menced. Piracy of North Star 4 miles out of H. K. Three district schools merged into new Govt. Central School. Tr. & Xnd, modation for 610 Scholars provided for Central School in Gough Street. Robinson Road with bridge across Glenealy laid out. Police Hosp. constructed this year afterwards became part of Govt. Civil Hosp. Pr. Ev.Chinese issue of H. K. Gazette started (1/3). Registrar Gen. made ...”
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“...collision in or near harbour. Tr. <& XndChinese petition sent to Queen and memorial to S', of S. with regard to Blockade. Increased export of tea from China accompanied by complaints of adulteration. China Merchants S. N. Co. s Arte .1-with design of taking coasting trade from foreign ships. H. K. & Shanghai Bank lent $600,000 0 on security of maritime customs. P. "W.Temporary Hosp. (54 beds) provided in Holy wood Road ; it was destroyed by fire on 26/12/78. Harbour Office in Victoria re-constructed and new to Chinese Government at 8 /0 Harbour Office built at Aberdeen, with coolie trade from Macao. Mint Dam and Blue Pool Dam re-constructed for City Waterworks. Roads and wells provided at Peak. Leg.Emigration Ord. passed to supersede legislation ofjprevious year in connection Pr. Ev.--Tsai Tien became^under the style of Kwong Sai, Emperor of China with the two Empresses as regents (23 2). St. Saviours (R. C.) School re-organized as St. Josephs College (15/11). Tr. & Ind.Depression in trade...”
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“...provide safe anchorage of 100 acres for small craft. Observatory at Kowloon completed. Leg*.Distress of Rents Ord. (No. 1). Ev.War broke out between France and China (5/8) and gave rise to some unrest in Colony. Piratical attack on S. S. Greyhound a few hours out of H. K. Strikes of butchers (10/6) and of cargo-boat people and coolies (3 10). Serious fires at Hung Horn in Br. Kowloon (11 and 16/12). Jockey Club formed (4 10). Hongkong-Macao cable opened for traffic (4 7). Tr. Sc Ind.Opium boiled at Govt. Factory and Dross Farm let. P. W.European Lunatic Asylum (8 cells, etc.) constructed near Govt. Civil Hosp. 23 acres reclaimed at Causeway Bay. Water Police Station & Time-ball Tower erected at Tsiin Sha Tsui. Yau Ma Ti Market extended (30 stalls). Leg*.Medical Registration Ord. o TO Ev.Peace declared between France and China (6/4) allayed unrest. Agitation with regard to overcrowding of City of Victoria led to appointment of Land Commission. Tr. & Illd. Ropeworks established at Kennedy...”
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“...1878, incorporated. Volunteers organized as a field battery and machine gun company. \Vaglai.Liglitho. completed by Chinese Govt.; light exhibited 9/5. Leg*.Volunteer Ord. (No. 4) superseded Ord. of 1882. Nethersole Hosp. (London Missionary Society) for Chinese women opened (5/9). p Pp. Ev.Some trouble caused by clan March, hirst outbreak of bubonic plague, at its height between May and July, produced temporary exodus, estimated at 100,000, and great interference jto trade. War between China and Japan, declared B, for a time partially paralyzed Chinese markets. Caterpillar plague injured pine tree plantations. Typhoon of 5/10 did some damage in harbour. £140,000 of the 1886 loan of £200,000 converted top! G at cost of £1,800 and balance of £60,000 redeemed from sinking fund; total loan now £341,800 of 3£ /0 stock. Hong Kong-Labuan (Borneo)-Singapore cable opened M 5 41 0/ 12 /_ for traffic 4/5. P. W.New Slaughter Houses provided at Kennedy Town. Roads laid out in E. of Kowloon...”
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“...through year in connection with Governor Sir Ch. section of Canton-Kowloon Railway Parcel post arrangement with Germany came into force (1/6) and postage to Australia reduced (15/7). Revised rent roll introduced in N. T. Matthew Anglo-Chinese Govt. School opened at Aberdeen. Tr. 8c Ind.Trade adversely affected by over-speculation in 1904, by fluctuations in exchange, by boycott of American goods as Nathan, protest against U. S. A. exclusion law and by reduction of Br. fleet in China. Imports to and exports from China fell off. Sugar refineries, Cotton Spinning Co. and cement and rope K.C.M.G., factories did good business. There was falling off in repairing and docking ships. P. W.Preliminary Survey of Br. section of Canton-Kowloon Railway carried out, route (29.7.1904.) selected and land partly resumed. 1st cyder light from Cape DAguilar transferred to new tower at Green Is. Disinfecting Stn. at Kowloon, Mongkok Tsui Market (40 stalls) and Yau Ma Ti District School (for 200 sclolars) completed...”
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“...Respecting grant of site for Roman Catholic, 1884 Census Returns,.........................................1880 ,, 1881. Governors address to Legislative Council on, .........................................1881 ,, 1891. Report on the, ..........................1891 1897. 1897 1901. 1901 (-hair and Jinricksha Coolies. Report of Commission on, 1901 Despatch regarding, ....1902 Child adoption and domestic service. Correspondence respecting, ...................................1886- China. Respecting opening of South-West Provinces to trade, .....................................1885- Chinese College ofi Medicine. Report on, ..............1896 ,, Consul. Respecting appointment of, ...........1891 ,, Infantile Mortality. Report of Committee of Enquiry on, ...............................1904 Revenue in Hongkong. Correspondence re- garding, ......................... 1899 City of Bombay Improvement Act, 1898. Extract from,... 1902 Civil and Appeal Cases. Return offor 1897,...”
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“...Fishermen taking coral and shell from sen adjoining, ................1901 685 o Observatory. Report on, .......................1883-1906 annual. ,, on Five-day Means of the prin- cipal Meteorological Elements, ,..1885-6 . .. 199 1 ( 275 >5 Reports, ..1886-7 - \ 293 1 (. 401 J? Respecting additional clerk in, ..1885-6 . .. 145 5? Weather Report for 1885, ..1885-6 . .. 181 Opium and other Goods. Report of Commissioners respecting alleged smuggling ofinto China,...1884 Respecting smuggling ofinto China,...........1884 Personal Emoluments, Pensions, etc.Statement of total costs of, ...............................1895 545 Piers Committee. Minutes of Meetings, ........1898 163 Ordinance. Petition against 2nd reading of, ......1899 407 Pinus Massoniana. Correspondence respecting felling and planting of,.................................1905 709 Plague Bacillus. Respecting culture of, ..........1903 423 Cases in Kennedy Town Hospital. Respecting, .1903 ..........”
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“...Ordinance. respecting, Despatch 1881 ... ... 129 Report, ......................1895-1905 annual. Police. Correspondence respecting the, ,.1884 .... ,, Pension Rules and increased rate of Memorandum on, l)aJ- .1884 .... ,, Reports and Returns, .1879-1906 annual. ,, Rifle practice and supply of ammunition, ,.1884-5 . .. 227 ,, Force. Respecting increase of, ,.1904 .... .. 23 Probationers. Respecting, ,.1904 .... .. 501 Post Office. Report, .1879-1906 annual. ,, in China. Revenue and Expenditure of British, .1901 .... .. 279 ,, Receipts and Expenditure 1893-4, . .1896 .... .. 605 99 99 99 .1899 .... .. 633 Papers respecting new, .1902 .... .. 437 Postage. Respecting proposed reduction of rates,. .1890 .... .. 381 Postal Service. Correspondence respecting, .1884 .... .. Prayas. Respecting proposed junction of Eastern Western, and .1884 .... Praya Extension. Memorandum by Governor respect- ig> ' .1886-7 . .. 301 Reclamation. Report for 1897...”
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“...18 Volume, Page, 661 175 265 85 Subject. Simpson, Professor. Reference table to recommenda- tions of, .......................................... 1902 .... Smuggling of Opium and other goods into China,.......1884 .... South African War Fund. Respecting Colonys con- tribution to, ........................................1900 .... Special Jurors. Respecting fees of, ..................1889 .. Spirit Farm. Despatch respecting proposed,...........1885-6 .. Stamp Duty. Minute on proposed increase by 50 ...1885-6 ... 157 Revenue Returns, ...............................1882-1884 annual. Sterling payments 1890-1896. Return of,..............1897 .... 493 Salary Scheme. Appointments in, ...............1904 ...... 73 Salaries. Respecting introduction of,..........1902 ...... 815 Scheme of,.............................1903 ..... 437 Storm Damages of 29th and 30th May, 1889. Respect- ing,.................................................1889 ... 255 Warnings. Correspondence respecting...”
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“...Our Lord 1886. By Bruce Shepherd. Containing the Calendar and Astronomical Phenomena for the year computed to Hongkong Civil Time. Information respecting the Colony and the Several Government Departments, Meteorological and General Statistics, Tide Tables, Postal Regulations, etc. Cloth, Medium 8vo., for 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, from 150 to 190 pps. The Commercial Annual for China, Japan, the Philippines and the Far East Generally: A Compendium of useful information, Com- mercial Documents, Treaties, Regulations, Tariffs, Tables of Tides, Moneys, Weights and Measures, etc. (doth. Crown 4to. pps. 312. China Magazine Office, Hongkong, F. Algars, London 1871. Contains some items of interest about Hongkong and neighbourhood. Shipmasters Handy Book. By G. 0. Anderson. Cloth. Demy 8vo. pps. 81. Hongkong 1890. Different routes between Hongkong and Australia. A Glossary of Reference on Subjects connected with the Far East. By H. A. Giles, M.A., LL.D. 3rd Edition. Paper. Medium 8vo. pps...”
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“...of all the plants known from China Proper, Formosa, Annam, Corea, The Liu Chiu Archipelago and the Island of Hongkong together with their distribution and Signo- nigmv by Forbes and Hemsley. 3 vols., 8vo. pps. XI, 686, (3), 592 (2), 521 (1). Longmans, Green & Co., London. Repositorio de Nocoes de Botanica Applicada e Produetos Yegetaes mais Conhecidos e Usa dos nas China tanto na Eeonomia Domestioa eomo na Therapeutica e nas Artes Extrahedas e compiladas de Deversas Obras. Por J. M. A. da Silva. Royal Octavo, pps. NLV, 332. Noronha & Co., Hongkong 1904. Descriptions of some new Species and notes on other Chinese Plants. Bv W. J. Tutcher, F.L.S. Paper cover. Post Octavo, pps. 12. Extract t'rom Linnean Societys Journal. Vol. XXXVII. Tndex of Chinese Plants mentioned in Journal of Botany up to end of 1880. Yols. I to XVIII, By C. Ford, F.L.S. Noronha & Co., Hongkong, 1883. Half cloth. Post Octavo, pps. 88. History of the European Botanical Discoveries in China. By E. Bretschneider, Ph. D...”
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“... pps. 146-147. A Cycle of Cathay or China, South and North. With Personal Rem- iniscences. By W. A. P. Martin, D.D., LL.D., &c., Cloth. Post Svo. Illustrated. Map. pps. 464. Fleming H. Revell Co. New York, &c. 1897. Hongkong, Aspect & Growth, &c., pps. 17-23. John Chinaman and a Few Others. By E. H. Parker, (doth. Post Svo. Illustrated, pps. XX, 380. John Murray London, 1901. Hongkong, Liberty for Chinese, p. 50 ; Piracy of the Namoa, pps. 137-140 ; Hongkong, pps. 146, 210, 251 ; Hongkong Salt Smugglers, pps. 306-309. Kwong Tung or Five Years in South China. By J. A. Turner. Cr. 8vo. Illustrations and Maps. pps. VIII, 194. S. W. Partridge, London. Hongkong, pps. 21-22, 97-110, 188-190. Pictures of Southern China. By. Rev. J. Macgowan. Medium 8vo. pps. 320. Illustrated. R. T. S. London, 1897. Pictures of Hongkong and Descriptions, pps. 215-276. The Mystic Flowery Land. Being a True Account of an English- mans Travels and Adventures in China. By C. J. H. Holcombe, Me- dium Svo. 2...”
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“...2d Jolm Chinaman at Home: Sketches of Men, Manners, and Things in China. By Rev. E. J. Hardy. Colonial Edition. Medium Svo. 111. pps. 334. T. Fisher Unwin, London. Numerous references to Hongkong. My Chinese Note Book. By Lady Susan Townley. Demy 8vo. Illustrations and Maps, pps. XIII, 338. Methuen & Co. London. 1904, Acquisition of Hongkong, p. 29. The Land of the Blue Gown. By Mrs. Archibald Little. Medium Svo. 2nd Impression. 111. pps. XX, 370. T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1902. Hongkong, 319-332. FengShui: or the Rudiments of Natural Science in China. By E. J. Eitel, M.A., Pli. D. Paper. Royal 8vo. pps. 84. Lane, Crawford & Co., Hongkong. Hongkong in relation to Feng Sliui, pps. 2, 3-4, 53, 58. China, the Long Lived Empire. By Eliza R. Sc-udmorc. Post Svo. pps. XV, 4(>(h 111. Macmillan & Co., London, 1900. Hongkong, pps. 430, 431. Things Chinese: or Notes Connected with China. By J. Dyer Ball, M.R.A.S., &c. Fourth edition. Cloth. Post Svo. pps. XII, 810. Kellv & Walsh, 1903....”
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“...20 Butterflies of Hongkong and South East China. By J. C. Kershaw, E.E.S., F.Z.S. Illustrated. Royal 4to. Kelly & Walsh, Hongkong, 19051907. Being issued in 12 parts. WettK DEALING WITH FINANCE AND REVENUE, etc. Banking and Prices in China. By J. Edkins, D.D. pps. 280, V. Post Svo. Presbyterian Mission Press, Shanghai, 1905. Mention of Hongkong & Shanghai Bank on p. 19. GEOGRAPHI1MH-WURK. Stanford's Asia with Ethnological Appendix. By A. H. Keane, M.A.J. Edited by Sir R. Temple, Bart., G.C.S.I., D.C.L. 111. and Maps. Cloth. Post Svo. pps. XXXII, 723. E. Stanford, London, 1882. Hongkong, pps. 561-502. GUIDE BOOKS, etc. A Guide to Hongkong with a short account of Canton and Macao and embracing many Chapters of Interest Relating to the Far East. With a Map, Crown Svo. pps. Ill, 103. W. Brewer, Hongkong, 1883. Our Island: A Naturalists Description of Hongkong by Sydney B. J. Skertchly, F.G.S., M.A.L pps. 56, XXXII. With a preliminary list of the butterflies of Hongkong by Sydney...”
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“...27 European Settlements in the Far East.China, Japan, Corea, Indo- China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, The Philippines, &c., by I). Warres Smith. Crown 8vo. Map and 111. Sampson, Low, Marston & Co., London, 1900. Street Index o£ the City of Victoria, &c., &c-., &c., By Arthur Chap- man, Government Assessor : 2nd Edition. Quarto, pps. 144. Noronha & Co., Hongkong, 1905. Macao: the Holy City: the Gem of the Orient Earth. By J. Dyer Ball, M.R.A.S., &c. Medium 8vo. pps. 83. China Baptist Publica- tion Society, Canton, 1905. Some references to Hongkong;. Chine du Sud et de l'Est. By Madrollo. Cloth. Maps. Cap. Svo. pps. XTI, 12, VIII, 150. Comite do LAsie Francaise. Paris 1904. Hongkong, pps. 1-8. HISTORY. Miscellaneous Notices relating to China & Our Commercial Inter- course with that Country. By Sir Geo. Tlios. Staunton, Bart., M.P., L.L.D., & F.R.S. 2nd Edition. 8vo. Enlarged and with Introductory Observations. John Murray, London 1822-1850...”
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“...28 China : Being The limes Special Correspondence from China in the years 1857-1858. Re-printed by permission. With Corrections and Additions by the Author, George Wingrove Cooke. Cloth. Crown 8vo. pps. XXXII, 457. Numerous references to Hongkong. Historic China & Other Sketches. By H.,:A. Giles. Crown. 8vo. pps. VIII, 405. Bela Rue & Co., London 1882. A reference to the Ceding of Hongkong on' p. 119. Europe & the Far East. By Sir Robt. K. Douglas. Crown 8vo. With 4 Maps. Cambridge University Press 1904. Refers to Hongkong being ceded to Greet Britain on p. 74, & Poisoning of Foreigners at pps. 95-9(>. Chronological Handbook of the History of China : A Manuscript left by the late Rev, Ernest Faber, Dr. Tlieol. Edited by Pastor P. Kranz. With four Appendices. Half Leather. Royal 8vo. pps. XVI, 250, XLV. A. P. Press, Shanghai, 1902. Ceding of Hongkong, p. 240. The History of the Laws and Courts of Hongkong : Tracing Con- sular Jurisdiction in China and Japan and Including Parliamentary...”
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“...29 Prose Writings of Bayard Taylor. Revised Edition, India, China and Japan. By B. Taylor. Cloth. 8vo. pps. XYI, 539. Putnam & Co., London. Hongkong, pps. 287, 456, 466-473, 484. Narrative of the Earl of Elgins Mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, 1858, 1859. By Lawrence Oliphant, Private Secretary to Lord Elgin. Illustrated. 2 vols. Medium 8vo. Cloth, pps. 492, XI, 496. W. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1859. Short Description of Scenery in neighbourhood of Hongkong, p. 43. Residence in Hongkong, pps. 62-66. China and the Chinese: Their Religion, Character, Customs and Manufactures : The Evils arising from the Opium Trade with a Glance at our Religious, Moral, Political and Commercial Intercourse with the Country. By H. C. Sirr, M.A., Barrister-at-law. 2 vols. Cloth. Medium 8vo. Illustrated, pps. XVI, 447, 448. One of the chief objects of the Author was to prove that Hongkong was an unhealthy, pestilential and unprofitable barren rock while Chusan was the contrary...”