KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN INSTITUUT VOOR MIDDELEEEUWSE STUDIES . We, all the University teachers from Belgium, Canada, France. Germany, Neatherland, U.K. and U.S.A., participating in the 3d International Conference "Aspects of the Medieval Animal Epic" organized by the Instituut voor Middeleeuwse Studies, Katho- lieke Universiteit, Leuven, and held at the House of "Vlaamse Leergangen", Leuven, between 15 to 17 May 1972, express our deep concern about the gravity of the problem of the rapid loss and destruction of manuscripts and similar material in Asian coun- tries, especially in India, and appreciate highly the work of preservation undertaken by the Vrindaban Research Institute, which has already acquired an extensive collection. It is the aim of the institute to collect from the Braj area of India in particular as much material as possible, to restore and cata- logue it, and to make it available to scholars in a well equip- ped post-graduate research centre. Recognizing the need for substantial, assistance from public and private organizations, we affirm support for the International Association of the Vrindaban Research Institute which will sponsor the Institute; and we further urge Governments, Univer- sities Academies, Libraries, Museums, and Foundations concerned to contribute to the solution of the general problem by giving generous financial aid for the development of the Institute and eventually for the establishment of other similar undertakings elsewhere Chairman of the Institute Prof. Dr. G. Verbeke.