CENTRE OF SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES (University of London) MALET STREET, LONDON, WCIE 7HP Telephone: 01-580 9021/8 The Chairman of the Centre of South Asian Studies has the honour to bring to your attention the following Resolution unanimously adopted by the participants at the Symposium on Aspects of Religion in South Asia recently organized by this Centre in London: All the University teachers participating in this Symposium, representing Universities in Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, express their deep concern about the rapid loss of manuscripts and similar material in Asia and in countries interested in Asian culture, and plead that Governments, Universities, Academies, Museums and Foundations concerned should find ways and means of preventing the disastrous consequences to scholarship ensuing from such loss; and that they should support institutions which are already engaged in the preservation of manuscripts and similar material and in the recording of such oral traditions as still survive. The text of this Resolution is accordingly being transmitted to Governments, Universities, Academies, Museums and Foundations who are known to be concerned about Asian culture. J. G. Burton-Page 9.2.72 [9 February 1972] [19720209]