Jawāhir al-lughah

Material Information

Jawāhir al-lughah
Alternate Title:
Jawahir al-lughah
Harawī, Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf, 16th cent.
Harawi, Muhammad ibn Yusuf, 16th cent.
Kāshānī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, fl. 1601.
Kashani, Muhammad ibn Ahmad, fl. 1601.
Place of Publication:
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Medicine, Arab Dictionaries Arabic ( lcsh )


Manuscript. Caption title on fol. 1b in a different hand: Baḥr al-jawāhir lil-Imām al-Damīrī. Medical dictionary arranged alphabetically, covering anatomical and pathological terms and concepts and, medicinal substances. No title page; title taken from fol. 2a.Author's name given on fol. 1b. "Tamma taḥrīruhu ʻalá yad ... Muhammad ibn Yūsuf al-Ṭabīb al-Harawī fī yawm al-tāsiʻ min Shawwāl sanat arbaʻ wa-ʻishrīn wa-tisʻimiʾah [14 October 1518] ... Waqaʻa al-farāgh min tanmīqihi ... fī yawm al-Arbiʻāʾ al-thāmin ʻashar min shahr Dhī al-Ḥijjah al-ḥarām sanat tisʻ wa-alf [20 June 1601] ...Muḥarriruh ... Amīn al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī al-Ṭabīb al-Kāshānī ... "--Colophon. Clear, medium size naskh (12 x 18.2 cm). Alphabetical arrangement, lamenata in red. Light brown and glazed laid paper. Modern leather binding. Gift of Harvey Cushing. Title on fol. 1a: Jawāhir al-lughah fī lughat al-ṭibb (written in a different hand). 244 leaves, bound, (16 lines) : paper ; 19 cm.
Original Location:
Original held by the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Medical Historical Library

Record Information

Source Institution:
|Yale University, Sterling Memorial Library
Holding Location:
|Yale University, Sterling Memorial Library
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.