Album E. This, as do the four previous albums, contains photographs taken in the Konyak country in 1923. Mills was travelling with J.H. Hutton in April and October, but probably without him in August. For background information, see the introduction to Album A. References: Tour Diaries, J.H. Hutton, April and October 1923; J.P. Mills, Letters to Henry Balfour; both Pitt Rivers Museum archives, University of Oxford; The Nagas by Julian Jacobs; Nagaland, India, Nagaland Tourism Department . E.1 Genna stone, Yungya. Konyak, August 1923. There is no clue as to the significance of this oddly shaped stone, with a smaller similarly shaped one in its shadow. E.2 Konyak family, Yungya. August 1923. A glimpse of family life on the sitting-out platform of their house, perched on stilts high above the village street. A toddler stands fearlessly near the edge, despite the fact that there is no railing. The houses are very dark, having no windows, so most family activities take place here. E3 and E.4 Morung, Kamahu. Konyak, August 1923. A large crowd of people on and around the sitting-out platform beside the morung, the jutting gable of which is hung with grass tassels. What appears to be a head, decorated with horns and tassels, swings from a pole attached to the gable. Kamahu had earlier suffered a head-hunting raid by Yungya when a group of women and children had gone down to the plains to buy salt, but were doubtless head-hunters themselves. Over his shoulder a man carries a rolled-up woven bamboo mat on which rice will be spread to dry. E.5 Men at Yungya Konyak, August 1923. Mills wrote to Balfour: "Yungya are properly cooked this time. I surprised them and occupied the village, in the process shooting one of the swine who was chiefly responsible for the whole business. (See E.4). Then I abode with them three days. It was unpleasant for me, but much more so for them, and they wished me gone. So much did they wish it that they gave up the four prisoners." E.6 Bridge below Yongimsen. A typical Naga cane bridge. E.7 and E.8 Alang of Tamlu. Konyak, October 1923. A young man wearing a broad bark belt decorated with vertical painted bands. E.9 Ahon of Shiong. Konyak, October 1923. A young man, wearing a narrow cane belt and a loincloth.