The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of the Church of England : together with the psalter or psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches, and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests, and deacons

The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of the Church of England : together with the psalter or psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches, and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests, and deacons  

Creator: Church of England ( Author, Corporate )
Publication Date: 1907
Publisher:  Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Type: Book
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Swahili language
Book of common prayer (Church of England)
Africa -- Tanzania
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Kenya
Language:  Swahili
The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of the Church of England : together with the psalter or psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches, and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests, and deacons