Prakrit Dhātv-ādēśas : according to the western and the eastern schools of Prakrit grammarians |
Creator: | | Grierson, George Abraham, Sir, 1851-1941 |
Publication Date: | | 1924 |
Publisher: | | Asiatic Society of Bengal ( Calcutta ) |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | pages [77]-170 ; 31 cm. |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Holding Location: | | SOAS, University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
Prakrit languages Prakrit languages -- Grammar
Spatial Coverage: | |
Asia -- India -- West Bengal -- Kolkata एशिया -- भारत -- पश्चिम बंगाल -- कोलकाता এশিয়া -- ভারত -- পশ্চিমবঙ্গ -- কলকাতা
Genre: | | Grammars |
Language: | |
English Sanskrit
Prakrit Dhātv-ādēśas : according to the western and the eastern schools of Prakrit grammarians |
ससद्धहेमचन्द्रासिधानास्वोपज्ञशब्दानुशासन लघुवृसि |
Creator: | |
Hemacandra, 1088-1172 हेमचन्द्राचार्य
Publication Date: | | १९०५ = 2431 VS = 1905 AD |
Publisher: | |
Nyáya-Viśárada Śrí Yaśovijaya Benares Jain Páthsálá ( Benares ) र्शोसवजर् जैन पाठशाळा ( वाराणसी )
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 1 p.l., 580, 4 p. ; 26.5 cm (4to.) |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Holding Location: | | SOAS University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
Sanskrit language -- Grammar Prakrit languages -- Grammar Vyakaran
Spatial Coverage: | |
Asia -- India -- Rajasthan -- Nagaur District -- Nagaur एशिया -- इंडिया -- राजस्थान -- नागौर डिस्ट्रिक्ट -- नागौर
Genre: | | Grammars |
Language: | |
Sanskrit Prakrit
ससद्धहेमचन्द्रासिधानास्वोपज्ञशब्दानुशासन लघुवृसि |