No. Title Date
1 "Building inequality" : The failure of the Nepali government to protect the marginalised in post-earthquake reconstruction efforts
2 319,912 households ‘real beneficiaries’
3 4 months after quakes, Nepal fails to spend any of $4.1 billion donor money
4 Asian paints hands over houses
5 Skip Navigation Links.
6 Skip Navigation Links.
7 BBC Nepal earthquake appeal : #NepalQuake
8 BBC World News interview re crowdfunding for Nepal earthquake
9 Bhimsen’s folly
10 Calculating risk, denying uncertainty : seismicity and hydropower development in Nepal
11 Change mindset
12 Citizens' fund' for new Dharahara
13 Community and resilience among Sherpas in the post-earthquake Everest region
14 Construction workers on scaffolding beside damaged Gaddi Baithak, Basantaur
15 Crude measure
16 Damaged Gaddi Baithak, seen from Basantapur
17 Skip Navigation Links.
18 Disaster governance and challenges in a rural Nepali community : Notes from Future Village NGO
19 Donor community renews support to reconstruction
20 Donors concerned about reconstruction