No. Title Date
1 Demerara : return to an address from the Honourable the House of Commons, dated the 5th of March 1824 : for, a copy of the minutes of the evidence on the trial of John Smith, a missionary, in the colony of Demerara, with the warrant, charges, and sentence : viz. copy of the proceedings of a general court martial, held ... 13th day of October 1823
2 Demerara : further papers, viz. further return to an address of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 5th March 1824 : for, a copy of the minutes of the evidence on the trial of John Smith, a missionary, in the colony of Demerara, with the warrant, charges, and sentence : viz. copy of documentary evidence, produced before a general court martial, held ... in pursuance of an order of Major General John Murray, Lietenant Governor
3 Gorkha Durbar
4 Gorkha Durbar
5 Gorkha Durbar
6 Houses at Gorkha
7 Kapıcıbaşı : head of ceremonies in the Sultan’s palace
8 Mektubji
9 Photograph, 'Recreation Ground Foochow' [Fuzhou, China]
10 Photograph, 'Recreation Ground Foochow' [Fuzhou, China]
11 Silahtar Ağa : sword bearer to the Sultan
12 Stool bearer to the Grand Signior : in charge of guarding and carrying the Sultan’s riding stool
13 Çavuş
14 Çavuşbaşı : chief usher to the Grand Signior
15 नेपालको अखण्डतामा डर पसिरहेको छ: प्रधान न्यायाधिश