No. Title Date
1 #EarthquakeinNepal April 2015 : Reflections
2 "Building inequality" : The failure of the Nepali government to protect the marginalised in post-earthquake reconstruction efforts
3 319,912 households ‘real beneficiaries’
4 4 months after quakes, Nepal fails to spend any of $4.1 billion donor money
5 6k tonnes of relief rice stuck in NFC godowns
6 After the earthquake : Relations between the international community and the Nepali government have rarely been worse than they are now
7 The aftermath : the current adversity presents an opportunity to bring about policy changes and enforce them
8 Aftershock : Reflections on the politics of reconstruction in northern Gorkha
9 Aid and interests : Despite much chest-thumping, Indian and Chinese aid efforts have been bumping into each other and neither side has had an easy time helping
10 Aid and recovery in post-earthquake Nepal : Independent impacts and recovery monitoring phase 2, quantitative survey, February and March 2016
11 Aid and recovery in post-earthquake Nepal : Independent impacts and recovery monitoring phase 2, qualitative field monitoring, February and March 2016
12 Aid and recovery in post-earthquake Nepal : Independent impacts and recovery monitoring phase 3, qualitative field monitoring, September 2016
13 Aid and recovery in post-earthquake Nepal : One year on
14 Aid and recovery in post-earthquake Nepal : Eighteen months on early findings from independent impacts and recovery monitoring round three
15 Aid and recovery inpost-earthquake Nepal : Independent impacts and recovery monitoring phase 1, quantitative survey, June 2015
16 All falls down : Demolition of unsafe houses, despite the hesitance of ownerm must proceed
17 All shook up : The Saturday earthquake holds many lessons for donors, the people, and the government
18 An unnatural disaster : Those of us who escaped unscathed are complicit in the suffering of others, one way or another
19 Apathy everywhere
20 Art and the earthquake