No. Title Date
1 Portrait of a warrior posing outside the Morung (Image number N.027, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
2 Morung at Chingphoi (Image number N.024, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
3 Opya at Lungsa : tree with spears (Image number G.015, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
4 Grave at Akule (Image number G.010, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
5 Boys pulling a log (Image number M.007, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
6 Mophungzuket young men's house (Image number H.015, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
7 Morung at Yacham (Image number B.005, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
8 The great Ang of Mon standing near a monolith (Image number B.031, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
9 Laying explosives, Yungya (Image number A.8 : J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
10 Painted planks in a Morung (Image number D.012, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
11 Front view of a house (Image number D.008, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
12 Entrance of a house, probably a Morung (Image number D.011, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
13 House, perhaps a Morung (Image number D.007, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
14 Skulls in Morung (Image number C.020, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
15 Carved wooden figures in front of a Morung (Image number C.022, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
16 Group of men sitting on bamboo plattforms outside a house (Image number C.027, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
17 Morung post and drum (Image number D.017, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
18 Drum house (Image number D.018, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
19 Morung at Tobu (Image number C.035, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
20 People assembling at the Morung (Image number E.003, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)