No. Title Date
1 Colonial revenue : return to an address to his Majesty, dated 23 December 1830 : for, copy of the report of the commissioners apppointed by His Majesty's warrant of the 21st June 1830, to inquire into the receipt and expenditure of the revenue in the colonies and foreign possessions (so far it related to the Mauritius)
2 Ecclesiastical grants (colonies) : Return (in part) to an address of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 8 May 1873; - for, "Copy or extracts of despatch or despatches from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor or Governors of any of the west India colonies, setting forth the views of Her majesty's Government in regard to ecclesiastical grants, and to the establishment of religious equality in such colonies (in continuation of Parliamentary paper no. 269 of session 1871);" "And similar return for the other colonies, or any of them." Colonial Office ... E.H. Knatchbull-Hugessen. (Mr Charley.) Part III. Mauritius.