No. Title Date
1 Field notes, No. 1, Apa Tanang, Apa Tanis, Daflas. Arunachal Pradesh, 1944 (PP MS 19/01/02/6/082)
2 Field notes, Apa Tanang, No. 2. Arunachal Pradesh, 1944 (PP MS 19/01/02/6/083)
3 Field notes, Apa Tanang, No. 3, Arunachal Pradesh, 1944 (PP MS 19/01/02/6/084)
4 Field notes, No. 6, Miris, Apa Tanangs. Arunachal Pradesh, 1945 (PP MS 19/01/02/6/087)
5 Field notes, No. 4, Daflas, Apa Tanangs, Miris. Arunachal Pradesh, 1945 (PP MS 19/01/02/6/085)
6 Field notes, No. 5, Miris. Arunachal Pradesh, 1945 (PP MS 19/01/02/6/086)
7 Field notes, Apa Tani. Wanchu. 1962 (PP MS 19/01/02/6/088)
8 130 - Nepal 1966 : Additional notes on Jumla
9 Diary, Manila, Philippines (PP MS 19/01/01/26)
10 Diary, Lagawe, Philippines (PP MS 19/01/01/27)
11 Philippines, 2
12 Philippines, 1
13 NB. 5, Koyas, Gonds, 1978-1979 (PP MS 19/01/02/5/080)
14 Note book containing analysis of Thakali and others in Tukche : Includes statistics on population, literacy, marriage, domestic animals.
15 Note book containing statistics of Thakali and others in Tukche : Includes observations of trade and prices of basic commodities
16 Hyderabad : Note book containing language notes
17 Note book containing notes on Kolams, Naik Pods
18 Camp Clothes : Note book containing accounts for camp equipment, clotes, medicine, and expenditure
19 Note book containing domestic accounts
20 Gond songs, text and discs