No. Title Date
1 Busaidi rulers of Zanzibar and the Shaykhs of East Africa (PP MS 20-2a)
2 History of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1896
3 History of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1896
4 Letter from Abdul al-Amawi (MS 47769i)
5 Letter from Rashid bin Khamis bin Sa’d al-Mundhiri (MS 47769g)
6 Love songs and Waadhi (MS 41960b)
7 Mashairi-miscellaneous (MS 41960d)
8 Miscellaneous poetry (PP MS 20-3b)
9 Mombasa Chronicle (MS 373394)
10 Skip Navigation Links.
11 Notes on History (MS 53489e)
12 Sultans of Zanzibar (MS 53489g)
13 Tippu Tip (PP MS 42. S/38)
14 Uchafu Wenye Jina: Fumanizi za Maneno (MS 380524a)
15 Uchafu Wenye Jina: Fumanizi za Maneno (MS 380533a)
16 Zanzibar : an account of its people, industries and history
17 Zanzibar treaties 1910