No. Title Date
1 Brief History of Tanaland (MS 53829p)
2 General Act of the Brussels Conference relative to the African slave trade, signed at Brussels, July 2, 1890
3 History of Lamu (MS 53829a)
4 History of Pate-17th century (MS 53507e)
5 History of the Lamu District (MS 53829b)
6 History of the Witu Sultanate (MS 53829n)
7 Interview with Aida Seif El-Dawla
8 Interview with Amal Elmohandes
9 Interview with Arab Loufti
10 Interview with Farida al-Naqqash
11 Interview with Iqbal Doughan
12 Interview with Manar Abdel Sattar
13 Interview with Nuha Nuwayri Salti
14 Interview with Rabab El Mahdi
15 Interview with Samar Dudin
16 Skip Navigation Links.
17 Interview with Tereza Al Rayan
18 Jawabu na Mashairi (MS 47754c)
19 Lamu and the War, 1939 -1941 (MS 53829m)
20 Lamu Ghosts and Devils and a Note on a Mosque (MS 53829g)