No. Title Date
1 Album regarding Wesleyan Methodist Missionary centenary in 1913
2 Colony of Sierra Leone, to wit, an inquisition inden[illegible]ed take at the Court House at Freetown in the said Colony of Sierra Leone on the twelfth day of May in the sixth year [ 1836] of the Reign of our Lord King William the Fourth before Ewing Bailie, Esquire, Sheriff of the Colony aforesaid by virtue of a writ of our said Lord the King to the said Sheriff directed and to this inquisition annexed to enquire of certain matters in the said writ specified by the oath of Henry C. Leigh, John Weston, ...
3 Letter from David Jehu, Free Town, Sierra Leone, West Africa, May 4th 1840, with responses from Thomas Dove [undated]
4 Skip Navigation Links.
5 Plan of the Wesleyand Methodist Preachers, Sierra Leone
6 The role of Mandingos and Susus in the Islamization of Sierra Leone
7 Speculations on linguistic and cultural history in Sierra Leone
8 [14 questions] to be sent to William Beecham, at No. 11, Lloyd Street, Lloyd Square, Pentonville, London.
9 [Report of Court Case in the matter of Edward Maer]