No. Title Date
1 Baby doll covered by a cloth, Crucifix
2 Baby doll covered by a cloth, Crucifix
3 Deforested hillside
4 Deforested hillside
5 Filming languages : implications of indigenouse film production for language maintenance in Mexico
6 Gabriela Perez Baez Interview
7 Large church building with busy market in front
8 Large church building with busy market in front
9 Large church building with busy market in front
10 Large church building with busy market in front
11 Market scene
12 Market scene
13 Market scene
14 Maurizio Gnerre: Huave
15 Procession of people
16 Procession of people
17 Procession of people
18 Procession of people
19 Procession of people
20 Row of people with offerings during mass