The imperial drug trade : a re-statement of the opium question, in the light of recent evidence and new developments in the East

The imperial drug trade : a re-statement of the opium question, in the light of recent evidence and new developments in the East  

Creator: Rowntree, Joshua ( Author, Primary )
Publication Date: 1905
Publisher: Methuen
Type: Book
Format: xiv, 304 pages ; 20 cm
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Subject Keyword:  Opium trade -- Great Britain -- History
鴉片貿易 -- 英國 -- 歷史
亞洲 -- 中國
亚洲 -- 中国
鸦片贸易 -- 英国 -- 历史
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- China
Language: English
The imperial drug trade : a re-statement of the opium question, in the light of recent evidence and new developments in the East