Photograph captioned 'Dr and Mrs Lowry in their sitting room, Senior Assistants’ Quarters, Hoihow, 1899'

Photograph captioned 'Dr and Mrs Lowry in their sitting room, Senior Assistants’ Quarters, Hoihow, 1899'  

Publication Date: 1899
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Donor: Nation-Dixon, M. L., Mrs.
Subject Keyword:  Lowry, J. H., Doctor -- Photographs
Lowry, J. H., Mrs. -- Photographs
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 海南省 -- 海口市
亚洲 -- 中国 -- 海南省 -- 海口市
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- China -- Hainan Sheng -- Haikou
Photograph captioned 'Dr and Mrs Lowry in their sitting room, Senior Assistants’ Quarters, Hoihow, 1899'