No. Title Date
1 1YM "Yerima Mustafa Qur’an"
2 2ShK "Shetima Kawo Qur'an"
3 al-duʿāʾu al-sayfī by ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib & al- duʿāʾ al-magunī : (Duawu Sayfi & Mogunī)
4 Al-Gastalani sharh al Bukhari
5 al-Murshid al-muʿīn ʿalā ʾl-ḍarūrī min ʿulūm al-dīn by Ibn ʿĀshir
6 Amulet
7 Amulet
8 Amulet
9 Amulet
10 Amulet
11 Skip Navigation Links.
12 Daaliyya
13 Explanations of importance of basmala based on classes given by Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Tahawi : with summary of merits of pronouncing basmala
14 Galvani Watermark from the Grand Imam Yousouf manuscript collection (N'Guigmi, Niger, 2010)
15 A grammar manual: : explanation of Arabic grammar followed by examples of letter-writing
16 Imam Ibrahim Qur’an
17 Inheritance computations (calculation of shares)
18 Instructions on application of amulets
19 IP Watermark from the Grand Imam Yousouf manuscript collection (N'Guigmi, Niger, 2010)
20 Kaduna Qur'an