A new map of Persia by A [Adrianus] Olearius published in London by Richard Blome (Bloome) (MCA/01/01/06/02)

A new map of Persia by A [Adrianus] Olearius published in London by Richard Blome (Bloome) (MCA/01/01/06/02)  

Publication Date: [1662]
Publisher: Richard Blome (Bloome)
Type: Map
Source Institution: SOAS, University of London
Donor: Dr. Cyrus Ala'i
Subject Keyword:  ایران -- آسیا
Maps -- Early works to 1800
نقشه ها -- کارهای اولیه، تا 1800
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- Iran
Language:  Latin
A new map of Persia by A [Adrianus] Olearius published in London by Richard Blome (Bloome) (MCA/01/01/06/02)