Arabic and Swahili poems praising the Prophet Mohammed (MS 457;  MS 279888-Vol.11)

Arabic and Swahili poems praising the Prophet Mohammed (MS 457; MS 279888-Vol.11)  

Creator: [s.n.]
Publication Date: [n.d.]
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Swahili poetry
Arabic poetry
Religious belief
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- Saudi Arabia -- Arabian Peninsula
Genre:  Poem
Poetry (LCTGM)
Language: Swahili
Arabic and Swahili poems praising the Prophet Mohammed (MS 457; MS 279888-Vol.11)
Arabic poems; Swahili poem praising the Prophet (MS 448)

Arabic poems; Swahili poem praising the Prophet (MS 448)  

Creator:  Al-Habib Abdalla ibn Husayn ( Author, Primary )
Sayyid Abdurrahman ( contributor )
Publication Date: [n.d.]
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Swahili poetry
Arabic poetry
Religious belief
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Eastern Africa -- Swahili Coast
Genre:  Poem
Poetry (LCTGM)
Language: Swahili
Arabic poems; Swahili poem praising the Prophet (MS 448)
Collection of Dua, Waadhi, Utenzi ya Arusi ya Fatuma na Ali, Kishamia (MS 393)

Collection of Dua, Waadhi, Utenzi ya Arusi ya Fatuma na Ali, Kishamia (MS 393)  

Creator:  Sheikh Yusuf bin Ismaili al-Nabhani ( Author, Primary )
Sayyid Ahmad bin Hasan al-Mahdali ( contributor )
Sayyid Mansab bin Abdirrahman ( contributor )
Sayyid Amin Al-Mahdaly ( contributor )
Maryam binti Ali bin Abdalla ( contributor )
Publication Date: [n.d.]
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Swahili poetry
Arabic poetry
Religious poetry
Religious belief
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Kenya -- Mombasa County -- Eastern Africa -- Mombasa
Genre:  Poem
Poetry (LCTGM)
Language: Swahili
Collection of Dua, Waadhi, Utenzi ya Arusi ya Fatuma na Ali, Kishamia (MS 393)


Creator:  Yūsī, al-Ḥasan Ibn-Masʿūd al- 1630-1691
Imruʾ al-Qays, 497-545 ( contributor )
امرؤ القيس، 130-80 ق.هـ ( contributor )
امرؤ القيس بن حجر الكندي،‏ ,٤٩٧-٥٤٥‏ ( contributor )
Publication Date: [n.d.]
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS, University of London
Subject Keyword:  Panegyric poetry
Éloge panégyrique
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Nigeria -- Borno -- Maiduguri
Genre: Poem
Language: Kanembu
Miscellaneous poems; Miraji; Utendi wa Aisha; Tabaraka Dhul Ulaa (Mss 402-404)

Miscellaneous poems; Miraji; Utendi wa Aisha; Tabaraka Dhul Ulaa (Mss 402-404)  

Creator:  Nabhānī, Yūsuf ibn Ismāʻīl, 1849 or 1850-1932 ( Author, Primary )
Bakathir, Abdalla ( contributor )
bin Salim Bakathir, Muhammad ( contributor )
Fatima binti Salim Basaid ( contributor )
Publication Date: [n.d.]
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Swahili poetry
Arabic poetry
Religious belief
Islamic Law
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- Saudi Arabia -- Makkah Province -- Arabian Peninsula -- Makkah Al Mukarramah Governate -- Mecca
Genre:  Poem
Poetry (LCTGM)
Language: Swahili
Miscellaneous poems; Miraji; Utendi wa Aisha; Tabaraka Dhul Ulaa (Mss 402-404)
Utendi wa Aisha; Kishamia; Hadithi ya Ndiwa na Kozi (MS 450)

Utendi wa Aisha; Kishamia; Hadithi ya Ndiwa na Kozi (MS 450)  

Creator:  Mwenye Mansab ( Author, Primary )
Sayyid Mansab bin Abdirrahman ( contributor )
Publication Date: [n.d.]
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Swahili poetry
Arabic poetry
Religious poetry
Religious belief
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Eastern Africa -- Swahili Coast
Genre:  Poem
Poetry (LCTGM)
Language: Swahili
Utendi wa Aisha; Kishamia; Hadithi ya Ndiwa na Kozi (MS 450)
Utenzi wa Abdurahmani na Sufiani; Hadithi ya Mtumi Musa; Untitled Utendi; Hadith of the Prophet; Dura-li-Mandhuma; Waadhi; Wajiwaji; Utendi wa Miqdadi na Mayasa (MS 395)

Utenzi wa Abdurahmani na Sufiani; Hadithi ya Mtumi Musa; Untitled Utendi; Hadith of the Prophet; Dura-li-Mandhuma; Waadhi; Wajiwaji; Utendi wa Miqdadi na Mayasa (MS 395)  

Creator:  Buhriy, Hemedi bin Abdallah ( Author, Primary )
Bunu Umar ( contributor )
Abdurahmani Adnan ( contributor )
Omar bin Amin al-Ahdal ( contributor )
Publication Date: [n.d.]
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Islam
Religious history
Swahili poetry
Religous belief
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- Saudi Arabia -- Arabian Peninsula -- Makkah Region -- Mecca
Genre:  Poem
Poetry (LCTGM)
Language: Swahili
Utenzi wa Abdurahmani na Sufiani; Hadithi ya Mtumi Musa; Untitled Utendi; Hadith of the Prophet; Dura-li-Mandhuma; Waadhi; Wajiwaji; Utendi wa Miqdadi na Mayasa (MS 395)
Waadhi, Dua, Salawat (Mss 390-392)

Waadhi, Dua, Salawat (Mss 390-392)  

Creator:  Ali bin Muhammad bin Husain Al-Habshiy ( Author, Primary )
Abdalla bin Sheikh ( contributor )
Musinga bin Omari ( contributor )
Salim bin Yaslam Baswaffar ( contributor )
Publication Date: [n.d.]
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Swahili poetry
Religious belief
Arabic poetry
Religious poetry
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- Yemen -- Arabian Peninsula -- Hadhramaut
Language: Swahili
Waadhi, Dua, Salawat (Mss 390-392)
ديوان ابن نباتة

ديوان ابن نباتة  

Creator:  1287-1366 ابن نباتة، محمد بن محمد
Ibn Nubātah, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1287-1366
Publication Date: 1304 A.H. = 1886/1887
Type: Book
Format: 26 folio leaves
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Poetry
Arabic poetry
الشعر العربي‎
Spatial Coverage:  Africa -- Egypt -- Cairo Governorate -- Cairo
Asia -- Lebanon -- Beirut Governorate -- Beirut
Genre:  poetry
Language: Arabic
ديوان ابن نباتة