No. Title Date
1 Brief History of Tanaland (MS 53829p)
2 History of Lamu (MS 53829a)
3 History of Pate-17th century (MS 53507e)
4 History of the Lamu District (MS 53829b)
5 History of the Witu Sultanate (MS 53829n)
6 Jawabu na Mashairi (MS 47754c)
7 Lamu and the War, 1939 -1941 (MS 53829m)
8 Lamu Ghosts and Devils and a Note on a Mosque (MS 53829g)
9 Letters (MS 47782a)
10 Letters to Taylor (MS 47782b)
11 Liwalis of Lamu (two short histories) (MS 53829c)
12 Miscellaneous Letters to Taylor (MS 47782c)
13 Miscellaneous poems (MS 47754g)
14 Mombasa Chronicle (MS 373394)
15 Notes on Lamu (MS 53829h)
16 Pate and the Portuguese colonisation-15th/16th century (MS 53507c)
17 Sketches of the mental life of the Suahelis (MS 47759a)
18 Swahili Tales-Vol. II (A) (MS 54343a)
19 Trade in Lamu (MS 53829f)
20 Various letters (PP MS 42. P/5-P/9)