No. Title Date
1 Brief History of Tanaland (MS 53829p)
2 Economics, Medicine and Forestry (MS 53829k)
3 History of Lamu (MS 53829a)
4 History of the Lamu District (MS 53829b)
5 History of the Witu Sultanate (MS 53829n)
6 Journal of Several Voyages Made by Mr William Alley, Begun 1665 (extracts) (MS 53829i)
7 Lamu and the War, 1939 -1941 (MS 53829m)
8 Lamu Ghosts and Devils and a Note on a Mosque (MS 53829g)
9 Liwalis of Lamu (two short histories) (MS 53829c)
10 Notes on Lamu (MS 53829h)
11 Notes on the Galla and Others (MS 53829j)
12 On Mitepe and Their Owners (MS 53829e)
13 Shipping: Dhow Arrival Figures (MS 53829d)
14 Slavery, Ordinances and Verbal Pact with Somalis (MS 53829l)
15 Trade in Lamu (MS 53829f)
16 Zanzibar-Heligoland Transfer: extract from The Times (MS 53829o)