Forming stilt procession outside Taotie's Yamen, Harbin, on 1st Anniversary foundation of Republic, 10th October 1913

Forming stilt procession outside Taotie's Yamen, Harbin, on 1st Anniversary foundation of Republic, 10th October 1913  

Creator: Cormack, George E (1886-1959); businessman
Publication Date: 1913
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS, University of London
Holding Location: Archives & Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Gateways
Manchuria (China)
Spatial Coverage:  亞洲 -- 中國 -- 黑龍江 -- 哈爾濱
Asia -- China -- Heilongjiang -- Harbin
亚洲 -- 中国 -- 黑龙江 -- 哈尔滨
Genre: Photographs
Language: English
Forming stilt procession outside Taotie's Yamen, Harbin, on 1st Anniversary foundation of Republic, 10th October 1913