Declaration by James Kirkwood acknowledging payment by Teobaldi Sendri for lease of a tract of land in Yentai, 4 August 1870

Declaration by James Kirkwood acknowledging payment by Teobaldi Sendri for lease of a tract of land in Yentai, 4 August 1870  

Creator: Kirkwood, James ( Author, Primary )
Publication Date: 1870
Publisher:  manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  亞洲 -- 中國 -- 山東省 -- 煙台市
亚洲 -- 中国 -- 山东省 -- 烟台市
Sendri, Teobaldi
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- China -- Shandong -- Yantai
Language: English
Declaration by James Kirkwood acknowledging payment by Teobaldi Sendri for lease of a tract of land in Yentai, 4 August 1870