319,912 households ‘real beneficiaries’ |
Publication Date: | | 2073 (२०७३ ) VS = 2016 CE |
Publisher: | | The Kathmandu Post |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
एशिया -- नेपाल Asie -- Népal Reconstruction and development Nepal -- Economic development Nepal -- Repair and reconstruction
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal |
Genre: | | Newspaper report |
Language: | | English |
319,912 households ‘real beneficiaries’ |
Aftershock : Reflections on the politics of reconstruction in northern Gorkha |
Creator: | | Bennike, Ruth Bolding ( Author, Primary ) |
Publication Date: | | 2074 (२०७४) VS = 2017 CE |
Publisher: | | Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) ( Madison, WI ) |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | University of British Columbia |
Subject Keyword: | |
एशिया -- नेपाल -- प्रदेश नं ४ -- गोरखा जिल्ला Asie -- Népal -- Province no. 4 -- Gorkha, District de Rescue and relief Disaster relief Rescues
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal -- Province No. 4 -- Gorkha District |
Genre: | | Journal article (SWAY) |
Language: | | English |
Aftershock : Reflections on the politics of reconstruction in northern Gorkha |
Damaged historic monuments |
Creator: | | Thapa, Gaurav ( Author, Primary ) |
Publication Date: | | 2073 (२०७३ ) VS = 2016 CE |
Publisher: | | The Kathmandu Post |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
एशिया -- नेपाल Asie -- Népal Reconstruction and development Nepal -- Economic development Nepal -- Repair and reconstruction
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal |
Genre: | | Newspaper report |
Language: | | English |
Damaged historic monuments |
Disaster preparedness and response during political transition in Nepal : Assessing civil and military roles in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquakes |
Creator: | |
Manandhar, Mohan Das ( Author, Primary ) Varughese, George ( contributor ) Howitt, Arnold M. ( contributor ) Kelly, Erica ( contributor )
Publication Date: | | 2074 (२०७४) VS = 2016 CE |
Publisher: | | The Asia Foundation |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
एशिया -- नेपाल Asie -- Népal Rescue and relief Disaster relief Rescues
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal |
Genre: | | NGO report (SWAY) |
Language: | | English |
Disaster preparedness and response during political transition in Nepal : Assessing civil and military roles in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquakes |
Ill-conceived idea |
Publication Date: | | 2072 (२०७२) VS = 2015 CE |
Publisher: | | The Himalayan Times |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
एशिया -- नेपाल Asie -- Népal Reconstruction and development Nepal -- Economic development Nepal -- Repair and reconstruction
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal |
Genre: | | Newspaper op-ed (SWAY) |
Language: | | English |
Ill-conceived idea |
Nepal donors' 'concern' over end of emergency quake aid |
Creator: | | Khadka, Navin Singh ( Author, Primary ) |
Publication Date: | | 2072 (२०७२) VS = 2015 CE |
Publisher: | | BBC |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
एशिया -- नेपाल Asie -- Népal Reconstruction and development Nepal -- Economic development Nepal -- Repair and reconstruction
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal |
Genre: | | Newspaper report (SWAY) |
Language: | | English |
Nepal donors' 'concern' over end of emergency quake aid |
Nepal earthquake : Post disaster needs assessment |
Creator: | | World Bank |
Publication Date: | | 2015 CE = २०७२ VS |
Publisher: | | World Bank |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | University of British Columbia |
Subject Keyword: | |
Earthquake impacts Earthquake damage भूकम्पका प्रभावहरु Infrastructure Infrastructure (Economics)
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal |
Genre: | | NGO report (UBC) |
Language: | | English |
Nepal earthquake : Post disaster needs assessment |
Nepal earthquake : sharing life-saving information during a crisis |
Creator: | |
BBC Media Action Cockburn, Kirsty ( contributor )
Publication Date: | | 2015 |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
एसिया -- नेपाल Earthquakes of 2015 Nepal Earthquake, 2015 (April 25) Earthquakes २०७२ का भूकम्पहरु
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal |
Language: | | English |
Nepal earthquake : sharing life-saving information during a crisis |
Unfinished homework |
Creator: | | Khadka, Navin Singh ( Author, Primary ) |
Publication Date: | | 2072 (२०७२) VS = 2016 CE |
Publisher: | | The Kathmandu Post |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
एशिया -- नेपाल Asie -- Népal Tourism पर्यटन Disaster risk reduction and management
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal |
Genre: | | Essay |
Language: | | English |
Unfinished homework |
पीडीएनए, पुनर्निर्माण र नवनिर्माण |
Creator: | |
शर्मा, पीताम्बर ( Author, Primary ) Sharma, Pitambar ( contributor )
Publication Date: | | 2072 (२०७२) VS = 2015 CE |
Publisher: | | Kantipur Daily |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
एशिया -- नेपाल Asie -- Népal Earthquake damage documentation Earthquake damage -- Documentation Earthquakes -- Documentation
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Nepal |
Genre: | | Newspaper Report (SWAY) |
Language: | |
Nepali English
पीडीएनए, पुनर्निर्माण र नवनिर्माण |