Chitochezie forest fire, 20th April 1913 -- this section of the forest was set on fire by Hung Hutzes (Honghuzi) as retaliation for non-payment of blackmail |
Creator: | | Cormack, George E (1886-1959); businessman |
Publication Date: | | 1913 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Source Institution: | | SOAS, University of London |
Holding Location: | | Archives & Special Collections |
Subject Keyword: | |
Forests Forest fires Manchuria (China) 满洲 滿洲
Spatial Coverage: | |
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 黑龍江 -- 牡丹江 -- 海林 -- 雙峰森林 亚洲 -- 中国 -- 黑龙江 -- 牡丹江 -- 海林 -- 双峰森林 Asia -- China -- Heilongjiang -- Mudanjiang -- Hailin -- Shuangfeng Forest
Genre: | | Photographs |
Language: | | English |
Chitochezie forest fire, 20th April 1913 -- this section of the forest was set on fire by Hung Hutzes (Honghuzi) as retaliation for non-payment of blackmail |
[Manchuria, morning after attack by hung-hutze on settlement, c. 1915] |
Creator: | | Cormack, George E (1886-1959); businessman |
Publication Date: | | 1915 |
Type: | | Photograph |
Source Institution: | | SOAS, University of London |
Holding Location: | | Archives & Special Collections |
Subject Keyword: | |
Camp sites, facilities, etc. Trans-Siberian Railway Hung-hutze Honghuzi 红胡子
Spatial Coverage: | |
Asia -- China 亚洲 -- 中国 亞洲 -- 中國
Genre: | | Glass slides |
Language: | | English |
[Manchuria, morning after attack by hung-hutze on settlement, c. 1915] |