No. Title Date
1 Bamboo bridge over stream
2 Building a camp on an island in the Langnyu river below Pangsha
3 Building a camp on an island in the Langnyu river below Pangsha
4 Building a camp on an island in the Langnyu river below Pangsha
5 Burning colony village of Pangsha
6 Burning granary
7 Burning granary
8 Carved figures of leopards on a vertical morung post, with hanging basket-heads and wooden skulls
9 Carved house posts
10 Carved wooden post with leopards biting each other's necks
11 Carving in relief of a mithun head on a house post
12 Carving on wooden post of hornbill with two tail feathers
13 Chingmak with his second wife
14 Chingmak's second wife wearing three large shells on a necklace
15 Chingmak's second wife wearing three large shells on a necklace
16 Chingmak's second wife, with face tattoo, wearing necklace of large shells
17 Chingmei warriors in warriors' dress
18 Chingmei warriors in warriors' dress
19 Chingmei warriors in warriors' dress
20 Chingmei warriors in warriors' dress