No. Title Date
1 Angami village gate
2 Boy sitting on a monolith
3 Building rice terraces below Khonoma
4 Carved and painted wooden village gate of Khonoma
5 Detail of a village gate in Khonoma
6 Flooded terrace-fields near Khonoma
7 Fortified area above Khonoma village
8 Four men in front of a stone circle
9 Fresh grave of a warrior at Khonoma
10 Man repairing the dams of rice terraces
11 Man sitting next to a row of monoliths
12 Man standing in a row of monoliths at Khonoma
13 Man standing in the doorway into Khonoma
14 Man standing inside a stone circle
15 Person building a water channel next to a rice field
16 Person building a water channel next to a rice field
17 Person harvesting rice seedlings
18 Portrait of a man from Khonoma
19 Portrait of a woman carrying a child
20 Portrait of Dokalu, an Angami man from Khonoma