No. Title Date
1 Adjusting the main pillars to the necessary length
2 Adjusting the main pillars to the necessary length
3 Adjusting the main pillars to the necessary length
4 Adjusting the main pillars to the necessary length
5 Altar in the forest to commemorate a dead person
6 Angami village gate
7 Ao woman with heavy brass hair decoration
8 Ao woman with heavy brass hair decoration and crystal earrings
9 Back of a morung on the top of a hill
10 Back view of a man wearing a flat wooden hairpiece with tufts of hair
11 Back view of man wearing a hair plug with six heads carved on it and goats' hair hanging from it
12 Backs of houses showing overhanging platforms
13 Backview of a morung at Tamlu
14 Bala morung in Wakching
15 Bala morung with finely decorated roof gable
16 Balcony on bamboo supports
17 Bamboo bridge over stream
18 Bamboo framework of a house
19 Bamboo growing next to the bungalow
20 Bamboo platform for the deceased