No. Title Date
1 Ao woman with heavy brass hair decoration
2 Ao woman with heavy brass hair decoration and crystal earrings
3 Backs of houses showing overhanging platforms
4 Boys running and kicking a ball
5 Building a fence around the area where the tiger is supposed to have hidden
6 Building a fence around the area where the tiger is supposed to have hidden
7 Building a fence around the area where the tiger is supposed to have hidden
8 Building a fence around the area where the tiger is supposed to have hidden
9 Building a fence around the area where the tiger is supposed to have hidden
10 Carved morung posts and the gaonbura
11 Carved morung posts and the gaonbura
12 Carved wooden forked post
13 Carved wooden forked post and 'Y' posts
14 Carving of a man holding a tiger by the tail and striped log drum in the background, in the Konyak morung at Anaki
15 Chantongia village roofs
16 Chantongia village street
17 Dance of Ao and Sema school boys
18 Dance of Ao and Sema school boys
19 Dance of Ao and Sema school boys
20 Dance of Ao and Sema school boys