No. Title Date
1 Actor Bandō Mitsugorō III as Isokai Tomohei on one knee gripping an umbrella under a crescent moon
2 Actor Segawa Kikunojō III depicts a woman with a karakasa umbrella
3 Apatani man with rain protector
4 Assamese boy with rain protector made of leaves
5 Girl with a rain shield
6 Girl with a rain shield
7 Group of girls weeding, with rain shields
8 Group of girls weeding, with rain shields
9 Group of girls weeding, with rain shields
10 Large parasol
11 Large parasol
12 Man with stick and rain shield
13 Photograph, a woman posed in a sedan chair with three bearers in the garden of a house
14 Photograph, J.C. Oswald, Mrs Palin & Mrs Rennie at Kuliang
15 Photograph, 'Kuliang. July 1894' [Guling, China]
16 Photograph, 'Picnic Party, Kushan' [Gushan, China]
17 Photograph, 'T. Pim, Mrs Palin & Mrs Rennie at Kuliang'
18 Three girls walking, with sun covers made of palm leaves
19 Woman with umbrella