No. Title Date
1 Brittle manuscript being treated in a deacidification bath
2 Brittle manuscript being treated in a deacidification bath
3 Brittle manuscript being treated in a deacidification bath
4 Calander in use : paper is placed between sheets of metal and passed through rollers rotating at different speeds
5 Ceremonial papers of the Chinese : Part two
6 Cleaning palm leaves using a non-ionic cleanser applied with cotton wool
7 Conserving a manuscript
8 Couching a sheet of fibres onto a pile
9 Couching a sheet of paper onto a pile to be pressed and dried
10 Dampening a folio with a sponge to help flatten it onto a polythene sheet
11 Draining water from a layer of fibres collected onto the mould
12 Dusting palm leaves with a soft brush
13 Dusting palm leaves with a soft brush
14 Folios laid out on terylene-covered perspex after drying overnight
15 Girl sizing paper with flour paste (maidā)
16 Heaps of pulp ready for use
17 Heaps of pulp ready for use
18 Hollander used for making pulp
19 Jie zi yuan hua zhuan : wu juan : Exemplary pages
20 Last folio of a Sanskrit manuscript showing how a torn mārgin has been filled in with a frame of repair tissue