No. Title Date
1 Chongkhorhomo and his wife (Image number L.043, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
2 Chongkhorhomo and his wife (Image number L.044, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
3 Cutting up a mithun (Image number G.008, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
4 Dancer at Lakhuti with tiger's tail (Image number G.026, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
5 Dancers in ceremonial dress at Lakhuti (Image number G.024, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
6 Death ornament of elephant hunter (Image number G.021, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
7 Deceased's platform (Image number G.019, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
8 Double "opya" at Morakcho (Image number B.006, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
9 Doyang River (Image number B.003, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
10 Grave (Image number G.017, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
11 Grave at Akule (Image number G.010, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
12 Great man's memorial, Chongtore (Image number C.029, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
13 Humtso, village view (Image number G.022, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
14 Laprangi, Yekhum : Bamboo construction with offerings to a dead man (Image number G.018, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
15 Lhota family at Mungyu (Image number G.023, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
16 Lhota girl (Image number S.090, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
17 Lhota girl (Image number S.091, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
18 Lhota warrior in full dress, viewed from the back (Image number Q.028, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
19 Medicine man of Rephyim in a fit (Image number G.005, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
20 Mingethung head tree at Nungsa (Image number G.013, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)