No. Title Date
1 Deoria Baba appearing on the platform of his hut to give darśan and instructions to those who have come to see him
2 Deoria Baba appearing on the platform of his hut to give darśan and instructions to those who have come to see him
3 Deoria Baba's hut erected on the east bank of the Yamuna
4 Deoria Baba's hut erected on the east bank of the Yamuna
5 Deoria Baba's hut erected on the east bank of the Yamuna
6 Distribution of prasād (batāsā) by one of Deoria Baba's disciples
7 People sat in front of Deoria Baba's hut waiting for darśan
8 People sat in front of Deoria Baba's hut waiting for darśan
9 People sat in front of Deoria Baba's hut waiting for darśan