No. Title Date
1 16-pt pact : problems unresolved
2 2015 : A year of achievements and mishaps
3 8th republic day : Prez, PM for unity after quake
4 All sham
5 The battle for Mahendra highway : In Saptari, four Madhesi protesters are killed by the police within 24 hours
6 Between the blockade and the unrest : A humanitarian crisis is brewing in Nepal
7 Building Nepal
8 Checkered history
9 Controlled Indian blockade on Nepal
10 Dateline Birgunj : Madhesis could feel further alienated by the state if the movement does not bring any substantive change
11 Dead and buried : Dissolution of Reconstruction Authority reveals govt's disregard for quake victims
12 Deal with it : To deny the validity of past agreements because 'circumstances are different' is disingenuous
13 Dismissing the protesters in Nepal as Delhi’s puppets will prove harmful for Nepal : By blaming the blockade on Delhi, Nepal is ignoring the genuine demands for federalism from its own citizens
14 Draft fails to ensure proportional representation of Dalits in decision-making level : Dalit activists
15 Drafting challenges : Without the committed intervention of citizens and political parties this draft will pose huge long-term problems
16 Edge of the precipice : Emerging from the ongoing political polarisation requires picking up one of two options on federal demarcation
17 Extend time for pubic consultation on new constitution : Repeal regressive aspects of draft
18 Fast track to nowhere : There is every possibility that this constitution will not be Nepal's last
19 Feedback boiled down to 7 points
20 Few hits, many misses : the draft constitution looks progressive in places but mostly has a lot of restrictive clauses