No. Title Date
1 Actor Bandō Mitsugorō III as Isokai Tomohei on one knee gripping an umbrella under a crescent moon
2 Photograph, 'Kuliang. July 1894' [Guling, China]
3 Three girls walking, with sun covers made of palm leaves
4 Man with stick and rain shield
5 Girl with a rain shield
6 Girl with a rain shield
7 Group of girls weeding, with rain shields
8 Group of girls weeding, with rain shields
9 Group of girls weeding, with rain shields
10 Apatani man with rain protector
11 Assamese boy with rain protector made of leaves
12 Large parasol
13 Large parasol
14 Photograph, 'T. Pim, Mrs Palin & Mrs Rennie at Kuliang'
15 Photograph, J.C. Oswald, Mrs Palin & Mrs Rennie at Kuliang
16 Photograph, a woman posed in a sedan chair with three bearers in the garden of a house
17 Photograph, 'Picnic Party, Kushan' [Gushan, China]
18 Actor Segawa Kikunojō III depicts a woman with a karakasa umbrella
19 Woman with umbrella