No. Title Date
1 Placing a piece of cloth between each sheet of paper
2 Man and a girl removing sheets of paper from a press
3 Girl sizing paper with flour paste (maidā)
4 Woman sizing paper with flour paste (maidā)
5 Two men working a press
6 Calander in use : paper is placed between sheets of metal and passed through rollers rotating at different speeds
7 Lifting the mould out of the vat having collected a layer of fibres
8 Lifting the mould from the frame on which it was lowered into the vat
9 Couching a sheet of fibres onto a pile
10 Lifting the mould from the sheet of paper
11 Lifting the mould out of the vat
12 Lowering the mould back into the vat to collect a second layer of fibres
13 Lowering the mould (a straw mat) into a vat containing fibres in suspension
14 Couching a sheet of paper onto a pile to be pressed and dried