No. Title Date
1 Procession to celebrate the birth of Nimbārkācārya
2 Svarupas of Kṛṣṇa and Rādhā in a tonga
3 Sādhus feast held at Nimbārk Gośālā
4 Sādhus feast held at Nimbārk Gośālā
5 Sādhus feast held at Nimbārk Gośālā
6 Sādhus feast held at Nimbārk Gośālā
7 Brass band leading the procession
8 Procession to celebrate the birth of Nimbārkācārya
9 Sādhus feast held at Nimbārk Gośālā
10 Deity in a savārī decorated with marigolds
11 Deity in a savārī decorated with marigolds
12 Banner carried at the head of the procession
13 Banner carried at the head of the procession
14 Woman of the Nimbārka sampradāya in her room in an āśram attached to Rādhādāmodar temple
15 Yugal Kiśor Mandir (Yugal Ghāṭ) : figure of Kṛṣṇa above a shrine in the courtyard
16 Śrījī Kuñj: the courtyard of the temple photographed from a gallery showing worshippers seated for bhajan
17 Śrījī Kuñj (the main Nimbārka temple of Vrīndaban) : entrance
18 Yugal Kiśor Mandir (Yugal Ghāṭ)
19 Jaipurwala Mandir (Kuśal Bihārī) : the entrance
20 Jaipurwala Mandir (Rādhāmadhav) : the entrance