No. Title Date
1 An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China : including cursory observations made, and information obtained, in travelling through that ancient empire, and a small part of Chinese Tartary, together with a relation of the voyage undertaken on the occasion of His Majesty's ship the Lion, and the ship Hindostan, in the East India Company's service, to the Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pekin, as well as of their return to Europe
2 An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China : including cursory observations made, and information obtained, in travelling through that ancient empire, and a small part of Chinese Tartary, together with a relation of the voyage undertaken on the occasion of His Majesty's ship the Lion, and the ship Hindostan, in the East India Company's service, to the Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pekin, as well as of their return to Europe
3 An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China : including cursory observations made, and information obtained, in travelling through that ancient empire, and a small part of Chinese Tartary, together with a relation of the voyage undertaken on the occasion of His Majesty's ship the Lion, and the ship Hindostan, in the East India Company's service, to the Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pekin, as well as of their return to Europe
4 Map and short description of Tientsin
5 As the Chinese see us
6 On the trail of the opium poppy : a narrative of travel in the chief opium-producing province of China
7 On the trail of the opium poppy : a narrative of travel in the chief opium-producing province of China
8 Dragon at close range
9 Portraits of China
10 鴻雪因緣圖記
11 鴻雪因緣圖記