No. Title Date
1 पुरानो शिल्प नयाँ निर्माण
2 पुननिर्माणका लागि रु ९० अर्बको सम्झौता
3 Restored temple beams with gargoyles, outside woodcarver's workshop in yard to rear of Sundari Chok in the royal palace, Patan
4 Renovated temple struts, in anteroom off Mul Chok, Mangal palace, Patan
5 General view of Darbar Square, Bhaktapur, with Vatsala Devi temple in early stages of reconstruction
6 Plinth of destroyed Silu Mahadev temple, Bhaktapur
7 Bhai Dega temple, Patan Durbar Square in the early stages of reconstruction
8 Bhai Dega temple, Patan Durbar Square in the early stages of reconstruction
9 Bhai Dega temple, Patan Durbar Square in the early stages of reconstruction
10 Workers replacing the roof of a temple
11 Carpenter working on the intricate details of a window
12 Carpenter working on the intricate details of a window
13 Workers replacing the roof of a temple
14 New or renovated temple struts in wordcarvers' workshop behind Sundari Chok, Patan royal palace