No. Title Date
1 Actor Ichikawa Yaozō as Tachibanaya Hachirōbei and Segawa Kikunojō as Hamoya Otsuma in the play is "Awase Kosode Chishio no Some iro" performed in 1799 at Ichimura theatre
2 Actors Nakamura Kumetarō with a book in his hand, and Ichikawa Yaozō II
3 Iwai Kumesaburō as Ohan , Ichikawa Yaozō as Chōemon, at Ichikawa Yaozō's farewell performance
4 Osakawa Tsuneyo III with a helmet in his hand, Ichikowa Yaozō II and Sawamura Shirōgorō I
5 Stage scene from, presumably, "Ninokuchi mura"