No. Title Date
1 An abstract of the early records of the Foreign Department : Part 1, 1756-1762
2 Aspects of mediaeval Indian religion in Hindi literature
3 Beasts, men and gods
4 Skip Navigation Links.
5 Brief History of Tanaland (MS 53829p)
6 The Buddhist project : Bibliography
7 China
8 Skip Navigation Links.
9 Clash of cultures? : an Englishman in Calcutta in the 1790s
10 Condition in Philippine Islands : Report of the Special Mission to the Philippine Islands to the Secretary of War
11 Diagram showing the compass points of various places in the Ottoman Empire
12 Skip Navigation Links.
13 Expansion francaise de la Syrie au Rhin
14 Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas complectens
15 Genealogy of the Naosari Parsi priests
16 Indian Christians of St. Thomas, otherwise called the Syrian Christians of Malabar : a sketch of their history and an account of their present condition, as well as a discussion of the legend of St. Thomas
17 Islám
18 Jiang gong mi wen
19 JVP insurrection of 1971 and its impact on the Marxist and socialist movements in Ceylon
20 The Kiess Bill : to increase the powers of the auditor of the Philippine Islands, increase his salary, and to create a Philippine Court of Claims : a criticism and a proposed alternative measure